Attendance & Punctuality
Regular attendance at school is essential for good progress and learning. Please ensure your child arrives on time for the start of each school day. Children who are persistently late or who have poor attendance are likely to fall behind with their work. Certificates and stickers are given out termly to children with high attendance.
From the 1st September 2013 the legislation in regard to taking holidays during term time has changed. Parents are not allowed to take holidays during term time. However, in special circumstances an application for leave of absence may be made and granted at the discretion of the Head teacher.
When children cannot attend school due to illness, parents should telephone the school on the first day of absence to let us know the nature of the illness. Please ring the school each day of absence and then send a note on the child’s return to school for our records. In cases of persistent illnesses we may ask for medical evidence. Where possible, please arrange any medical appointments outside the school day.
Our school Educational Welfare Officer (EWO) is Joy Lewis. Her role is to monitor your child’s attendance and punctuality, any child who is a persistent absentee (below 90% of attendance) will be closely monitored. Any child with attendance less than 85% might be referred to EWO Service.
Ms Lewis will be offering advice and support in regards to school attendance and punctuality to ensure regular attendance. If you would like further support, please contact the school office for more information.
There is a clear duty laid on parents to ensure that Education is provided for their child.
This is stated in:-
Section 444 of the Education Act:
“If a child of compulsory school age, who is registered at a school, fails to attend regularly the parent is guilty of an offence”.
Please find attached a copy of our Attendance Policy.
A leave of absence form is available from the School Office or please see the link below:-
For further information please see the Merton website on School Attendance Welfare and Support. Link attached below:-