Concerns/Complaints Procedure
Parents are encouraged to share their concerns and celebrate their children's success with all members of staff. We recognise that there may be times when parents would like to discuss matters outsider of the scheduled parent-teacher consultations.
The school has a procedure in place for when parents have concerns.
In the first instance, parents are asked to approach their child's class teacher to arrange an appointment to discuss their concerns. If after a period of time, parents feel that their concerns have not been fully addressed, they may call the school to arrange an appointment with the phase leaders directly.
Phase Leaders are as follows:-
Early Years - (Nursery & Reception)
Key Stage 1 - (Years 1,2 & 3)
Key Stage 2 - (Years 4, 5 & 6)
Mrs S Carroll
Mrs A Taylor
Miss L Bell
Further to the meeting with the Phase Leader, if a parent feels that their issues have still not been resolved, they are asked to approach the Assistant Head, Ms Marc.
If a parent feels that after a meeting with Ms Marc that the matters is still ongoing and has not been resolved, they may call Miss J Newton, who will arrange a suitable appointment with Mrs Tucker.