St Thomas of Canterbury RC Primary School
Commonside East
Telephone Enquiries - 0208 648 0869
E-mail -
School Office - Miss Khan & Mrs Tiana (parent/general school office queries)
Head Teacher & DSL - Mrs M Tucker
SENCO - Mrs J Baines
School Business Manager - Miss J Newton
Chair of Governors - Mrs J Walls
Any correspondence to the Governing Body should be addressed to: Mr T Scott, Clerk to the Governors, c/o St Thomas of Canterbury School.
How to Find us
By Bus
Regular buses to Mitcham from:
Wimbledon - 152 and 200
Morden - 118
Pollards Hill - 152
Tooting - 127
On Foot
From Mitcham Fair Green head northwest on Upper Green West, turn left at the Three Kings Piece duck pond onto Commonside East.
By Train/Tram
The nearest station is Mitcham Eastfields. Exit the station and head west towards Laburnum Road. Walk along Laburnum Road leading to Gaston Road, pass the children's entrance to the school and walk down Lavender Path leading to Commonside East.
Mitcham can also be reached by regular trams. Take the tram from Wimbledon towards Croydon to Mitcham Tramlink.