Core Values
We expect everyone at St Thomas of Canterbury to respect one another and our School
- School environment and equipment
- Teachers and Peers
- Parents
- Staff
- Pupils
- Gospel Values - Faith, Love, Justice, Forgiveness
- Laudato-SI - Pope Francis - "on care for our common home".
- Cultures, religions, Race
- Rules and Boundaries
- Behaviour
- Our uniform/reputation
Spring Term
We expect everyone at St Thomas of Canterbury to take responsibility for themselves and our school
- Goals - School and Personal
- To be the Best you can Be
- Homework
- Equipment
- Planning/Class/Teamwork
- Accountability to Governors and Parents
- Progress and Achievement
- Attendance/Timekeeping
- Behaviour
- Laudato Si - Pope Francis - "on care for our common home".
- Climate change/environmental issues
- To serve others
Summer Term
We expect everyone at St Thomas of Canterbury to build healthy, positive relationships with God and one another
- PHSE/Journey in Love
- Peers and Staff
- Celebrating differences
- Faith
- Gospel Values
- Transition and Moving on
- Growing Up/Changes
- Laudato SI - Pope Francis - "on care for our common home".