Prayer and Liturgy
Prayer and Liturgy
At St Thomas of Canterbury, we aim to be a living and loving community which is inspired by the life of Christ and the teachings of the Church, rooted in Gospel values.
Prayer and Liturgy is a core aspect of our school’s Catholic identity and is a daily, central feature. The importance of spending time in the presence of God is fundamental to our Catholic faith. At St Thomas’, we ensure that our children have broad and varied opportunities to experience God through prayer and worship.
Whole School Prayer and Liturgy
Each Monday, our whole school comes together for our Gospel assembly. This is a wonderful opportunity to start the week in prayer and reflect on how we can live our lives, in the image of God.
On Friday, our school meets together again for collective worship in celebration of the past week. The children receive certificates not only for their academic work, but we also recognise those who have lived out the schools core values of Respect, Responsibilities and Relationships, throughout the week.
Class-Based Prayer and Liturgy
Each class is given several opportunities to pray throughout the day and week, with one of these being a longer, more formal Prayer and Liturgy, led by the class. Children are taught a range of Catholic prayers to be used in a range of different situations. All the children within the class are given the opportunity to plan and lead Prayer and Liturgy with a set structure and the support of the class teachers.
Play music, sit in a certain way, lighting a range of candles, looking at a thought provoking picture, artefact or resource and more.
Listen to the Word
Readings from the bible, Listening to world news, listening to psalms, listening to prayers, sharing a story or a hymn, acting out the Gospel and more.
Respond (Response to the Word - prayer/symbolic action)
Write a post-it, write a prayer, activity E.G. art, open prayer, pass the candle and more.
Go Forth/Mission
Take something home, complete a special weekly challenge, remember something and more.
Chaplain Led Liturgies
Every class have nominated a Chaplain. They are inspirational leaders in faith and support liturgy, prayer and the spiritual life of the school.
Some of their duties include; planning and leading liturgies and Masses throughout the Liturgical Calendar, including important Feast days. Our Chaplains are also focused on supporting other members of their class to help lead liturgies.
Wednesday Word
Each Wednesday, teachers use the ‘Wednesday Word’ resource for the collective worship for the day. The Wednesday word is shared with parents via the school newsletter so they are able to support their child to respond to God's word and look forward to the Sunday gospel with a deeper understanding
Guided Prayer and Reflection
Guided prayer and reflection is an important part of a Catholic Life of our school day. Each class participates in daily prayer and reflection, allowing them to take a moment with God.
St Thomas of Canterbury Prayer Book