School Improvement
Our School Development Plan is driven by our vision for the school and our journey to achieving the long term aims in our Strategic Plan. It is informed by our regular monitoring and self-evaluation of our strengths and the areas where we want to improve further.
Below is a summary of our School Priorities for 2022 - 2023
- To provide an ambitious, broad and balanced curriculum that meets the needs of our children during a pandemic
- To improve writing outcomes in KS1 and KS2
- To further achieve greater mastery in maths, including investigative work
- To foster a love of reading, particularly in boys, ensuring their motivation to read is strengthened and nurtured so that their progress matches that of the girls
- To develop middle leaders in all subjects, including science and that their vision is supported further to ensure pupils make even more progress and deepen their understanding of their role of monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of school leadership
- To continue to develop the Religious Education leader and to develop more effective monitoring of the quality of the teaching of religious education to include SLT and phase leaders
Please find below our School Development Plan and our Self Evaluation Form:-