Mental Health & Wellbeing
Wellbeing is not just important to children but to all of us. For success of pupils in the school, it is vital that parents/carers and staff recognize wellbeing as a fundamental achievement in life.
At St Thomas we believe that Mental Health and Wellbeing is fundamental to a person's growth and development. Please find below details of how we support you and your child:-
Support available from St Thomas of Canterbury School
It is really common for children to be experiencing some of the following challenges:
• Worries – for example worries about leaving the house, returning to school and being separated from their parent/caregiver
• Behaviour difficulties – for example not listening to instructions, rudeness and acting out
Lots of parents are also feeling more worried than usual and are unsure about how to manage some of these challenges. This is understandable and, if you are experiencing any of the above, The Emotional Wellbeing Service may be able to help!
The Emotional Wellbeing Service is a team of practitioners who are usually based in school, and they offer support to parents of primary school children. See Emotional Wellbeing Practitioner (EWP) tab below for more information. If you would like to enquire further about this, you can submit the attached referral form to them directly to or through the school.
A range of live and recorded webinars are available through the Merton Wellbeing Service - details are provided below - please scroll down the page.
Additionally, The South West London Commissioning Group has created a website with Guidance and advice for children, young people, parents, carers and teachers.
Emotional Wellbeing Practitioner (EWP) Referral Form
EWP - Children & Young People's Wellbeing Service
Merton -Emotional Wellbeing Support Services for Children & Young People
Fundraising Activity
Upcoming Events on offer
ADHD Parent Group: Every Thursday 7 - 28th November : 1-2-3 Magic Parents Webinar Group
April 2024 - Merton Uplift Workshops
March 2024 - Merton Uplift Workshops
Free Webinar - Supporting Emotions at Home and School
Free Online Parent Workshop Series 22-23- Merton & NHS Wellbeing In Primary Schools
Primary Parents Webinars 22 - 23 - Education Wellbeing Service
Merton Uplift Newsletters
U Tube link - Children & Young People's Wellbeing Service
Children & Young People’s Wellbeing Service - YouTube
Video - Supporting your child - Anxiety